Written by Christian Jean
Mojave Junction is the meeting of three passions: cinema, supernatural fiction and the Mojave. In the winter of 2013, I was sketching ideas for a short film in the style of H.P. Lovecraft’s supernatural “weird” fiction. During this time, I read an excerpt from the novel McTeague (1899) by Frank Norris, now in the public domain, re-published in a collection of Mojave desert stories I discovered while on a trip to Joshua Tree National Park.
I was inspired to merge Lovecraftian supernatural fiction with a western to create a “Weird Western” exploring the concept of greed. I noticed a parallel between Norris’ treatment of selfishness and the catastrophic banking villainies that rocked the world in 2008, so I felt strongly the story would be relevant to 21st Century audiences. Coincidentally, Erich von Stroheim adapted the novel in full in 1924 right before another monumental implosion of avarice and called it, appropriately, Greed (his legendary 42-reel director’s cut is now considered by many to be the Holy Grail of lost films).

Sand dune slide
Around the same time, I was developing a feature film set in Joshua Tree and the Greater Mojave that included Lovecraftian concepts. I decided to merge elements of that project and Norris’ novel to create a showcase film that would serve as a preview or short prequel to the feature. The final element was our setting. When exploring the Mojave, you can encounter a powerful rejuvenating feeling that I call the “Magic of the Mojave.”
For those who’ve experienced it, they know the Desert’s vast, barren cruelty is matched only by its magnetic and epic beauty. As the Mojave served as setting for both my feature film script and the dramatic ending of Norris’ novel, it was a natural choice for the setting of the short film. I took all these ideas and put them in my creative blender. The result is Mojave Junction. I hope audiences will enjoy it and feel compelled to explore further the treasures of Lovecraftian fiction and the Mojave Desert, as well as spend some time meditating on examples of greed in the 21st Century.

Christian Jean and Tari Segal

Sand and shadow
“We ain’t never gonna make it out of here” –Marcus, Mojave Junction
Mojave Junction played 26 events, including the Oscar and BAFTA-qualifying LA Shorts Fest and Cannes, where it sold to DIRECTV. On demand now at ShortsTV and Streamlette. Winner of the top prize for horror at Dragon-Con and the Gold Remi for westerns at Woldfest Houston. Directed by Christian Jean and starring Ed Marinaro.