Commercial Campaign

Commercial and industrial campaigns for THQ. A top video game producer, THQ and ad agency G&M Plumbing turned to us for multiple projects. From broadcast commercial spots for the Evil Dead game with Bruce Campbell to commercials for the WWE games series and over 20 trailers for E3, services include design, animation, editing and post-production finishing.

When producing video game creative, the key thing is to have fun. Because it shows.

One of the challenges of creating gameplay spots is you’ve got to look through all the gameplay. And, typically, there’s a lot of it. By the time you’re done pulling selects, you’ve become a bit of an expert on whichever game you’re covering. Our approach was simple: have fun and be a little irreverent. It’s Bruce Campbell and Hulk Hogan, after all.


Produced by Christian Jean for G&M Plumbing and THQ